Water kiosks: Sustainable safe water enterprises
Set up directly in the communities they target, water kiosks produce affordable safe drinking water thanks to a sustainable entrepreneurial model.
Set up directly in the communities they target, water kiosks produce affordable safe drinking water thanks to a sustainable entrepreneurial model.
active water kiosks
jobs created
liters of water sold
per day on average
direct beneficiaries, and 10,000 potential consumers
jobs created
tons of CO2
saved every year
And 3 months of operation to reach financial breakeven
As an individual or with your company, you can make it happen in 6 months!
A £40,000* donation will finance:
Site selection and community engagement
Water kiosk’s construction and equipment
Local entrepreneur’s selection
and training
Your benefits:
Your impact:
* Donating to 1001fontaines is eligible for tax exemption in France, Switzerland, Belgium, the UK, the US… Contact us for more information.